Monday, March 22, 2010
Hmm, guess i'm giving up on chasing you, but i will continue to love you. Guess from the start i never stood a chance. Even if given one. Hah, wonder how much u even cares. maybe i sound selfish but ya i think u don care at all. All this while after thoroughly thinking through i really think that u didn't care much, maybe after seeing this post u might be angry, but then i'm just stating my thoughts because i scared we'll get into a quarrel if i said it to your face. Sigh, whenever i know that my efforts are wasted, i totally shagged. i fell to my knees when i heard u fallen for him, Now i know first impression last the longest. Hah, i know he's a good guy and he can be trusted so i think i will have no comments. He can take care of you i trust him too and so i'm not competing wi[th him any more because i know i never stood a chance in the start. Wedding dress a wonderful song wonder if u guys ever heard of it if not go listen to it. Letting go of the one u love really hurts. But seeing her being happy u should also be but i cant always be happy even though i will be happy i will also feel sad right? its common sense who wouldn't. Maybe u don know how much a casual remarks of yours can hurt me, Maybe even if anything happened to me u wouldn't care . Hope he can make u happy, enjoy your time ahead i really wont disturb u anymore. i'll just stand at a corner smiling when i know you're happy being with him.
Sadness is a illness with no cure, no medicine can heal the wound that is hurt by sadness. Heartaches but so what? Right? )':
I Played @
9:00 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hmm, abit late but still happy birthday to yeo chin gek aka small bear.
I wish to her on the day so shall not write belated. Hmm, the operation make her cry was a success however i felt bad by doing that.
We planned on acting like we didn't care on her birthday, but everyone went to hide secretly as everyone went hiding, tianhong and jeremy was putting candles to create a so called pathway to lead her to our location. there with everyone waiting to surprise her with a big chocolate cake and a birthday cake. In the end she really cried, heartache of course couldn't bear to see her cry , but at least it was tears of joy? So maybe should be happy, everyone took photos with her except me. am i a bastard? maybe i am, hah.. didnt had the mood to. but at least i showed her that her bday actually has significance. Even though some didn't wish, i still accompanied her throughout her whole birthday i really hope u enjoyed it. All credits goes to tianhong, planner and decorater jootong, planner and also decorater, may ying and jeremy helping crew. How useless am i to actually sit at a corner watching how they plan. totally useless T-T . Hah, i did my best to prove you wrong, since i did it once i prove u wrong again. All i can say is that i hope u enjoyed this birthday no matter how or what there are still friends that do care for you. Like us, 64. maybe not all but at least there are still some right? no matter what please do not say your birthday is insignificant. its significant , your birth is never insignificant, The date 20.03.1995 was the day u came on to this earth and u will still be here till old. But 20.03.2010 is the day i proved u wrong. Obviously i'll remember this. 20.03 is and will be an important date alright? Maybe not taking a photo was a bad choice cause i noticed i never took a photo alone with you before. Will regret of course hah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMALL BEAR. Hmm, i did my best and i hope my efforts are not wasted.
Thanks tianhong , jeremy, jootong ,may ying to complete this birthday, and all those who attended thanks of course. She probably is the most unluckiest person because she didn't took a photo with the most handsome person among all of them. ME?! AHH HAH, i'm thick skinned, what can u do? all i can say is if u dislike what i said above DA WO LA! HAHAHAH, maybe saying this might regret so who cares. Da wo la only refers to those that i admit that are more handsome than me those who are i not. i will beat u back if u touch me. :x
Even though its only been 3 months since i openly woo you , i didn't regret spending all my time with you. accompanying u, going out with you, slacking talking . i did cherish every moment with spent together of course. i remembered clearly alot. Even though i may not be able to be with you, i just wanna make you happy. Hmm, not all guys are the same some are different. of course, Quarrels did happened but they are inevitable , i learn from my mistakes and of course i wont wanna make u mad. This is actually quite a good start of the year for me. I'm sorry not being there for you when u needed me the most, i'm sorry for always pissing you off. And i'm definitely sorry for not being able to make you happy. i will try my best and hardest to do so. All i can say is Happy birthday. (: 15th already please you're mature enough stop being more mature, i scared u too mature till people think you is auntie chin gek.
Hah, of course i'm just gonna say it maybe you'll kill me if you see me writing this to let everyone know.
I Played @
11:48 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hmm, as i guessed so the start of the year is only a period of good time for awhile.
I guessed i just cant stop pissing her off. I saw something that actually made me teared today. Unbelievably i actually teared infront of yeo joo hoe and jordon.
Never expected to be seen tearing for her in front of someone actually.
I of course wanna stop pissing her off. but how? i noticed that my tone and my attitude seems to be the problem. Hmm, as such i also do notice that everyone says my tone and attitude has a problem. So for the sake of myself and everyone i shall try to control my temper and use an appropriate tone. Hmm, i guess i just wanna say it out .
I'm sorry for all i've done, sorry for pissing you off. sorry for whatever wrong that i've done. i'm changing for the better just hope i can win your heart before you fallen for him. I actually know that i always piss u off but i dont know how to seriously say sorry to you. I cant sound serious when i'm around you. Hmm, maybe because my seroius is being angry. Apparently,all i can do is say i'm sorry. i know i'm useless however i'm trying not hard enough so i shall work to my hardest. My love you for is never dying, i cant give up. i never ever really started to woo you till now. So i cant stop what i've started until i completed it. This is not a want but a need, this is not a can but a must. This is something i've dedicated to you and i will not lose. My love for you is not just an infatuation, I'll prove you wrong. Definitely will. Maybe past experiences make you feel that all guys are the same. But i'll prove you wrong. There are other guys out there that are different.
I'm Sorry!
I Played @
12:24 AM
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Hmm, i just came back from a suckish 3days 2 night camp, only enjoyed the god damn campfire. missed fastfood and soft drinks when was at the camp and had kfc right after the camp, guessed what? of all things i got a fever. super unlucky but then after a night rest i feel refresh and much more better..
Just bet something with someone. She said i'll lose the bet. Hmm, so i just cant lose it especially to her. haha, i can just say that i never regret doing anything in 2010. 2010 is a good year. Well at least for the start lets see how it goes throughout the whole year lets just say i'm having a good start. Even though i did ended some friendship, it felt awkward standing beside them, sometimes talking to another friend and the other one is the one i quarrelled with. it just feels awkward. but still i did not regret ending that friendship. maybe its better this way. Who knows? Hah, well lets just say i left my clique that i was with during sec 1 and 2. Now sticking to 64 and weiguang and kenneth more. Hah, this two idiots never fail to make me laugh and therefore with them is absolutely enjoying yourself. The thing u seriously needa know is that the jokes the say sometimes are funny but sometimes are not. But the jokes that are not funny still can make us laughs because their expression is priceless. u see their faces u'll definitely feel like laughing.
Anywhere anytime they can make u laugh. Hmm, just hope this year is much better.
I Played @
11:52 AM