HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME N BETTY,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME N BETTY ,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME N BETTY..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!:)HAHAS...APPARENTLY..THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHO REMEMBERED THAT TODAY IS MY BDAY..HAHAS...IM GONNA ANNOUNCE THE FIRST FEW PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY SAID HAPPY BDAY TO ME FIRST..1st.Kizuko,2nd.Elain,3rd.Bakchormee,4th.Sengyang,5th.Wenchin,6th.Sengtiong,7th.Lin2,8th.Koh Yong Lin(happy the first primary school frend to remember)hahas im glad tianhong they all haven sleep they all remember!!64 rules..everyone rules too hahas..everyone at 64 remembered im happy :)hahas
The post own top was from midnight of 27th june i will continue to post...on 27 june 12am..received alot of happy birthday..hahas im glad that quite a number of people remembered
used comp till 3am..small bear ton at my house..she use till 4am den go to sleep...
i woke up at 9 waiting for sengyang,sengtiong,and small bear to wake up..
small bear 1pm wake up,seng yang n tiong dunno wad time wake up..
we went to eat at 3.15..than they came my home..
sengyang learning dota..small bear blog,plurk etc etc..
than went down to 64 play ball...
8plus cut cake celebrate hahas...
jeremy n kuan yao leave at around 1210
Small bear n jootong left at around 1230
hahas...it was so fun...i will remember tis year's bday...
27062009 coz i celebrated my bday wif 64 :)
im so happy..64 is loved...64 is my home :) 64 rox!!
Me n jootong!!

Me n KuanYao (eyes small small)

Me n kuanyao(eyes big big)

Me n Small bear

Me n Small bear

Me n tianhong

Me n tianhong Act cute

Me n Patrick

Me n patrick(funny face)

Me n jeremy

Me joohoe jootong n jeremy

Me jootong joohoe jeremy

i will tink of having a party?dunno larh see how first :)
I Played @
12:12 AM
LOLS..saw this quiz..say i muz do jiu do lorh :)
All of the 14 people must do this quiz, unless he/she dosen't have a blog or have already done this quiz. write the names of the 14 people you could think of the top of your head, then answer the questions .
1. Alex
2. Kizuko
3. Junyong
4. Joanne
5. JunDong
6. Jorean
7. Elain
8. JunJie
9. Daphne
10. Rachel
11. Joohoe
12. KuanYao
13. Fathu
14. Amirul
1. How did you get to meet 7? Destiny?Fate? i met her in secondary school..she's my mei
2. What would you do if you and 13 have not met? i would have lost a good n funny brother
3. What would you do if 1 and 12 date? 1 n 12 are both boys..they're not gay so i dun know
4. Have you seen 14 cry? Nope..hahas..
5. Would 4 and 11 be a good couple? Nope..hahas one too tall n one short...not pei..
6. Do you think 11 is attractive? Erm...As a Kor yes duh!!im not gay...zzz -_-||
7. What's 2's favourite colour? lols im not sure never asked her b4..
8.When was the last time you talked to 9? Real life last day of school..in the comp..forgot le..
9. What language does 8 speak ? English n chinese to me :)
10. Who is 13 going out with? No one
11. What grade is 12 in? Sec 3
12. Would you ever date 10? Dont know..i follow my heart not a quiz :)
13. Whats the best thing about 13? He's my brother in my class :) a good n funny brother of coz..
14. What's the best thing about 8? That he is a good frend..
15. Have you ever kissed 5? NO WAY!! IM NOT GAY!!LOLS WHO WANNA KISS HIM?!!WTF!?
16. What was the best memory you have with 7 ? Erm..not sure..alot since we used to haf fun tgt
17. When's the last time you are going to see 6? how i know? let fate decide :)
18. How is 12 and 14 different? one tall one short..one super funny one funny..one chinese one malay..
19. Is 6 Pretty? okok :)
20. How did you meet 5? in school..hahas
21. Is 1 your best friend? yup..:) n best brother too..
22. Have you seen 4 on the last time? dun understand..hahas..i tink so..dun really get tis question..
23. Do you hate 12? no way..hahas.
24. Have you seen 4 on the last month? yeah..duh..
25. When was the last time you talk to 3? On june 15 on the phone..
26. Have you been to 5's house? nope..
27. When's the last time you gonna see 10? how i know..zz..
28. Are you close to 13? Duh??!! My brother in class!
29. Have you been to a movie with 4 before? yup..10 promises to my dog after sec 1's napfa
30. Have you gotten into trouble with 8? like duh...quarrel..
31. Would you give 2 a hug? why not?i would..
32. When have you ever lied to 3? Nope..
33. Is 1 good in socializing? yup..can say so
34. Do you know secrets about 9? not sure..dun really know..
35. Describe the relationship between 12 and 14. Strangers...
36. Best thing about your friendship with 9? that she's my mei..
37. What's the worst thing about 6? thats she is too tall..taller than me xP
38. Have you ever had a crush on 12? Nope..im not gay..
39. Does 14 have a girlfriend or boyfriend? now nope..
40. Have you ever want to punch 1's face? no...
41. Has 2 met your mom? yeah...
42. How do you get to meet 3? in primary schools..brothers??close like hell?
43. Did you ever physically hurt 3? yeah..play play de larh duh...
44. Do you live close to 7? no
45. What's 8 Favourite food? i dunno leh..
46. What kind of car does 2 have? nope..she's too young
47. If you give 14 $100 what will he/she spend it on? i dunno i not him :)
END OF QUIZ HAHAS..IF U NOTICED I indicated everyone's name in my clique :)
Hahas...ok quite happy that i managed to see n talk to small bear coz like dunno how long than see her..hahas...for some reasons...i managed to had a long chat at her house...hahas...hope she cheers up soon...played dota....watch show..today...starting to watch zhong ji san guo...my blog song is one of zhong ji san guo de songs..its nice...i like the song...LOLS.....okokok...
it didnt fade for some reasons...glad that it didnt...For some reasons...i still cant forget her...wishing that i could meet her more
I Played @
10:21 PM
Yo readers miss me mah??
zz...rotting at home..camping in front of my computer...sibei shag..missing the times i had wif my clique...but now...nv even go out lorh...im gonna organise an outing for my clique..on 13june2009....gonna play like hell wif them juz hope they can go n haf enuff money....
Im so looking forward to 13june2009...Gonna watch movie...
Movie:Drag me to hell(Horror/PG)..first time able to watch horror movie wif clique...
Time:12pm to dunno wad time(AS LONG AS POSSIBLE)
People who i gonna jio:Alex,jundong,junyong,junjie,myself,jorean,elain,joanne,daphne,rachel..(HOPE ALL CAN GO..IF CAN I SIBEI SIBEI HAPPY)
hopefully everyone can go....nowadays.. camping at home ..tinking when during school looking forward to holiday...when during holiday looking forward to school...
Currently...missing everyone..in my clique...Gonna tink for a name for our clique..Better than my Mei's clique de name(c3)Wah..so lame lorh their name...zzz...dunno who so lame give so lame de nick..
I Played @
6:55 PM