Monday, March 30, 2009
Nowadays people keep ask me to forgive her n turn back to frendz...they keep say its better to haf one more frend than to haf one more enemy...i understand wad they say but u know tings nid time to calm down rite??tmd than u all say gimme time than the next day ask me ok liao mah?tink abt it liao mah?keep asking me to forgive after one day?does that count as u gave me time?I dun quite tink so..i know she is facing difficulties in her life but i too haf a life rite? trying my best to decrease the anger n hate i haf for her...but i nid some time...u all shud know im a short-tempered i will try to forgive n forget..I will take a time out to apologize for the tings that i've done..the tings that u dun like...i will tink abt wad i've done n try my best to take the time to forgive trying to change my attitude...i know im still childish n tempered n all that but u gotta tink i sometimes oso haf my reasons rite??i know u guys cant juz take one side thats not wad true frendz should do...i can tell u all are asking me to calm down n forgive her as tis is the best for everione n ourselves...dun worry im trying to change but dun keep give me pressure so that i will be able to change into a much more mature n a person who can forgive n forget i person who can controls his own temper n attitude..i will change for the best but u all too must give me support...for to change nids time n for me to forgive n forgets too nids time as well..i tink i can go back to the happy times we used to haf laughing at jokes together at the basketball court...Juz maybe tomorrow can be a different day....the end of today means the new beginning of tomorrow..^_^..
(tis paragraph is wad i really wan to do)
Hahas...u guys tink im immature rite? childish?Lame?Thicked-skinned??but u guys muz tink if i dont be immature if i dun be childish/lame or thicked-skinned i cant make u all laugh n make u all happy when i know u all are sad or the joker for u all..ur childish coz i dun wanna see any of my frendz/kor/mei/jie angry or sad...i wanna see smiles n hear laughters of my trying to stay immature coz i dun wanna see everione being bored...n i dun wanna grow up coz staying young is better...for now i've tot abt life...n i can tell for our age till 18 is the most important period of time as its the time for us to play,enjoy n relax... coz as we grow..we nid to work n earn money for a living..and haf lesser time to go out together...even maybe normal frendz outing will be hard...So i will treasure tis time to be ur Entertainment...the joker in some of u people's life...i wanna see a great big smile n to hear u all laughing till u cry or get stomachache....even if im injured..even if im angry...i will stay childish..immature..lame n thicked-skinned juz to make to happy...even if u giggle thats a sign that u're abit cheered up so dun say that im childish...i haf my own reasons n my reasons are in tis paragraph in tis post n in tis blog...^_^ A smile,A Gigantic laugh,even a single giggle can shows that im able to cheer u will really means alot to me even if a single giggle from u to a kind person but im oso quite guailan...but usually when i guailan u is to make others that the day is a fun n enjoyable day...a day u see damien(ME) is a day of fun...laughter n happiness
Remember Me The Joker in u're life Damien(Da Shuai Ge/YaNdAo Boy)
To All Readers:Plz put ur actual name when u are tagging my blogs plz..i dun wan to receive mysterious names like guest 1 or ah gua or BotakSiao or u're so ugly..But If its damien veri handsome as ur tag name i wont Mind...LOLS
I juz im ending my post here all n try my best to update my loves and hates...XD..Damien Signing off!!
I Played @
11:24 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My life is starting to turn from bad to worse....alot of people knows i hate her n purposely like call her come to 64...when i see her my blood boils...when i hear her name i feel like beating something or someone...haiz...everione at 64 is like trying to solve my prob wif her..but they dun understand my hate for cant be solved...they dunno how angry i m at her...they dun understand how i feel n wants me to juz forgive her...they dunno who i am n they still tink that forgiving her is easy for me...i feel like telling them y they care so much...they arent even me n they still ask me to forgive...they dun understand me n wants me to do someting i really cant do...i feel stressed out n angry....i really feel like whacking someone for no reason...but i cant...alot of people knows that i dun wanna see her...n when she tells them that she is coming to 64 when im there they dun even tell me that she is coming...i really dun wanna see her..i dun even know whether i shud go to 64 anymore...maybe will ask some of my closer frendz at 64 to go 19 to play bball wif me...i feel that she's the hell in my life,she's the devil in my soul,she's the nightmares of my dream...i dun even know how to express my hatred for her...i juz got something to say to her...FK OFF BITCH I DUN WANNA SEE U AT ALL...Y DID WE EVEN MET...I HATE U ALOT..I SUPER DUPER HATE U!!CAN U JUZ GET OUT OF MY FKING LIFE...I DUN EVEN KNOW WAD TO DO ANYMORE...SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE SMACKING U IN THE FACE BUT EVERYONE IS OSO UR FREND I CANT DO ANYTHING I FEEL LIKE ASKING U TO GET AWAY FROM 64 BUT I DUN HAF THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE U GO...i can even write a essay on how much i hate her...but everione always seem to be wif her...i dun even know whether to tell them starting to lose my trust in some of the people in 64..i can oni trust my brothers in 64 and some of my closer frendz...some of my frendz is starting to hang out wif her even when they know that i hate her alot so now i dun even know whether i shud tell them anything else that i hate abt her....
(tis is something i wanna say to people in 64)
Now mainly in my life is mostly about playing basketball at frendz n i is planning on going out to watch the show the unborn next week or maybe the week after a ghost gonna go for sure since its a ghost movie can scare some of my outings are usually going to slack n going to watch movie...maybe im gonna plan to haf an outing to go either jurong east or www(wild wild wet)...hahas...not sure whether we are going to open a chalet during the june holidays but hope to haf one...a chalet thats fun n includes lots of my frendz coming...a few days n nites of happiness..maybe gonna call oni those who are veri close to me instead of those normal frendz that i veri less tok to...hahas not sure of wad to do veri confused...i juz i've nth else to say..
To people who knows the case of me n her:If she ever calls or sms u telling u that she is coming to 64..please sms me call me or tell me that she is coming so i can avoid her n make my mood for that particular day better instead of becoming angry and maybe even shouting at u all for no reasons..thx
To some of the people:If u are going out and have no one to call u can juz call me..but muz depend on whether i haf the time to go...but most likely is can de larh..XD
ok im ending my post here...thx for reading n i will try my best to update for everiday
I Played @
10:40 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
c0mments! was hell of a fun day...periods were boring...Ve lesson..Mrs naula(Spelling error/Vice Principal)had a talk wif us...than tok about her if we me...its bored...than she say when she young her house veri small..than she ask us wad we expect from our home..I shouted"tv"..others shouted sofa...air-con,computer and etc etc....than still got anything else she asked...than i shouted Toilet Bowl...Everyone laughed like hell...than she say when she small still nid to queue up for toilet...actually its quite sad...but hell if i care LOLS...than she say she dreamt to buy a blue car in the end she really bought it(claps..Congratz)than she asked us wad did she do to get the blue car she dreamt of..than i shouted "cause u small queue up for toilet"...lols some heard some didnt...damn funny...than after that after school...went to kfc..someone treated us...than went out spent all of my money...than went home ...but daphne rachel n joanne asked us to pei them take bus go home than junyong oso pei as...something...than we pei le junyong buato again..LOLS..than went home changed..went to 64 bball than was veri happy until...She Came...WALAN Dunno who brought her to 64 sitting there..she was chatting wif tianhong n dunno who larh..FK LORH Who ask her come...made my mood for the day A FKED UP ONE!!!Walan...sianz diaoz...than went home lorh...
To Some of my frendz:
D-Mien to Joanne:sry nv tok to u during bus on ur way home..i didnt wanted to disturb u.
D-Mien to yong:Jiayou hope u get her.
D-Mien to ALL Reader:Whoever knows who the she in the above paragraph..better dun bring her to 64 n make my mood angry n sianz..i tell u all i really hate her i dun wanna see not scared of her. i juz dun wanna see her...Whenever i see her my blood boils...if u wan to bring her to 64 meaning u dun wan me to be happy..and wan to make me avoid not only her but to avoid u please dun ever bring her to 64...not even in my sight plz...i will dulan de larh....K???....ending my post here...
I Played @
10:15 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
c0mments! was quite fun..i really didnt slept in class...all the periods were quite fun....well nothing quite special happened..but theres one big ting that happened today its....its......
ITS Fathu's Bday hahas..Happy bday bro...We haf been brothers since sec 1, we never quarreled once coz we get along wif each other...i happy that ur finally 14...bro hehes...sry if i actually hit to hard on u 24times coz of ur bday bash..but i know today was a big day for u bro...fathu be happy n cheerful always..u're older than me but has a more baby-looking liked face than me.. u looked younger than me...hehes...Juz wanna say today my blog's post is trying to say
happy birthday bro...
Happy bday to u,happy bday to u,happy bday to fathu,happy bday to u...(Claps n loud noises)...Plz Remember guys if u know fathu remember his bday 24/03...dun forget it...LOLS.. ending my post here...
I Played @
10:02 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Yo..Everyone...tink my blog is dead?will its not...recently nth fun happened...really got nothing to post so i did not post at all...don be mistaken...sometimes im juz lazy i haf a veri lazy attitude u all shud know...hahas..juz came back from parkway...went there to eat sushi....veri nice....Noticed that when theres nothing for me n my brother(Daryl) to snatch..we wont quarrel....maybe nth to snatch is better but than....being in seperate rooms still feels better...not so cramp....hehes i tink i got nothing else to post ending posts here.....
I Played @
6:44 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wah....Today play until Sibei Song..LOLS...ok larh woke up at 8.03..dunno how i managed to remember...lye on the bed i listened to songs until 9.03...played dota till 11+... and than i asked jordon pei me go eat in the end went to eat wif someone else...LOLS...after eating went back home packed up, took my things n went to jordon house pei him take things...than went to East Coast...Actually was planning on going to singpost and wait for jie(wenchin) and regine to fetch us go the end they too they cabbed to balam bubble tea there fetched us go to east coast...than carried alot of things...Our Pit Was at Area C pit 32...Sibei song arh...near toilet , near rubbish bin and near nid run here run there...walk few seconds reach le...than put all the things down le..regine cabbed to lin2 de house help her take things n pei her come to east coast...Regine veri rich here cab there like FOC..than me n jor plus jie waited for them to come...chatted wif jie n jor..Long time no see jie le...hehes finally had a long chat...even though we didnt meet for months, it felt like we never met for almoz a decade...LOLS...than stand on the shore let the waves wash our legs...the feeling was great..but than soon later lin2 n regine arrived...around 10 mins later jie n regine go pick up Jie ying...they went to buy ice so the drinks will cold...put in styrofoam box...the water sibei de cold than we took out the food...looks great helped out wif long busy...than after a long time than jet came..said he was going mac meet his frendz...than came back a long time after...jun wei n Kit Mun came.....bbq had alrdy started jie , Er jie, regine n jie ying started the n jor juz watched show...than later brought out everi things....
(Chicken Wings)

(HotDogs and sausages)


(Satay's Gravy or curry..Not Sure)

(Jie Wenchin)
( Jie Wen Chin wif Lin2 Fingers LOLS)
(Jie Ying,Lin2 n Jie)

(jor n jie ying)

(BenDaYe Me)
(The Drinks)

than after we started the fire we bbqed awhile waited for all to come bbq for veri long...than went to swim in the sea...People Who went in...Me,Jor,Jet,Jie,Regine,Jieying... 6 people nia...but veri fun leh...than we buried jor in the sand help him to sand surgery...LOLS got Breast n Cock..Funny rite???LOLS here's a few pics of him...
(Jor in the sand and everione working)

(somemore pics)

Than after that the girls n junwei went back to jet n jor dig hole...dan built wall to block the water...than dug a hole put alot of water in it than like spa lorh...than after tat went back up to bbq alot of things gone n jor play like siao....than we played flour tats was the most fun part...its was alrdy quite late we played flour all look like lao ah ma lao ah pa but we did had fun today...actually jor say dun wan come de after i persuaded him than he came than he said he didnt regret coming....LOLS...Drank CarlsBurg b4 we bathed....all shouted yum seng!!! LOLS....veri bitter de sia...drank a bit nia coz left one can...nv drunk coz abit really wanted to know how being drunk feels like...last few pics of us than i know i forgot to take the group photo from kit mun...will edit as soon as i get the group was one of the funnest days i had...Its A very fun day coz jor got pei got met jie all that..and played wif some of my upper sec frendz...its fun i enjoyed it alot and i tink next time i meet jie im gonna be taller than her i swear it!!ending my post here veri tired le i go sleep liao gd nite..XD
I Played @
10:20 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Today's post is gonna be short and sweet...coz i got nth to tok camping at home...bored to death...rotting to death...looking forward to tomorrow...hehe..if going to eat kfc mac or pizza me but u muz treat me(joking) LOLS...sibei sianz i tink im gonna end the post here...sorry tomorrow got alot too update XD....will try to write alot of tings in my next few posts...
I Played @
11:59 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Recently nv update blog...sry...coz my house comp got prob cant login leh...siao siao de...msn oso cannot go using my kor laptop so can login n update...fked up wif her...i wan her out of my life...vanished into thin air...leaving my life n going back to b4 she came...she's a attention seeker...a cry baby..a bitch...i hate everiting abt her...i wont give her another chance thats my choice if u all tink im wrong u can go against me....
(tis paragraph is for does who know wad happen yesterday night on the 14 of march)
haiz...i dunno wad to do leh...veri blur..i got supports from my frend dunno wad to do..dun wanna spoil my frendship wif her...its really blur....i dunno wad to do....haiz...maybe i shud heed elain's advice..thx elain for giving me advice...
Thx to Junyong,jundong,elain,joanne and rachel...for supporting me i tink i will know wad to do when the time mentally prepared....i will not be scared...Wa Wu Ji!!LOLS..hehe..try my best to update more lorh...n sadly tis few posts dun haf pics sorry..
(tis is another case unrelated to 64 dat dun misunderstood)..
im really sick of u...get outta my life....tis is wad i really wanna off from 64 from my life...hehes if u all know the real me u would tink i sux as a frend....lols im the most guailan of the guailan..the most xialan of the xialan
I Played @
7:13 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
c0mments! veri sianz....Today not much of a nice day...ccb keep got people call me CBW,Chong arbo Chongboon wei...I FKing hate people who keep call me by those now angry at someone...for calling me cbw...avoiding her tomorrow in school no matter wad...i tell u...if u call me cbw u get whacked by me not my prob is u all start first...u all shud know my temper not so good de....Dun call me chong,Cbw, or chong boon wei or Chibai wang in front of me or i really will whack u
Dun ask me who the person im avoiding...its really obvious...sibei fucked up...dun ever make me angry cause u wont like it when im mad
I Played @
9:07 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today ok quite sianz....nth to do...than after sch....go to bbt pei(accompany) joanne rachel n the end i tio ps...none of them said bye to me...go home slack until around 4 plus go play bball until 945 reached home bathed n now posting tis blog...nowadays i like boweigong(nth to say) leh...haiz...alot of people asking for stead all tis le i dunno wad to do veri blur....juz hope everithing turns out fine...
Mei(joanne)u shud consider him...really...he's a nice guy..tink abt it...
Mei(Elain)choose ur answer correctly dun hurt jj's feelings...choose wad ur feelings guides u
Junjie(small boy)hopes she accepts u jiayou!!
I Played @
9:56 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Haiz..sibei sianz...nth to tok tok in class..fked up that the fucking bald teacher(Mr Yong) like buay song me sia...everione change place he dun care i change place he fucking care so much for fuck...pon npcc make-up training went to daphne house..pei her to take form...junyong jordon n joanne oso got go plus one extra(WeiQuan)...den waited for her at first floor as she went up wif joanne to take her form...after she went back to school n i went to 64 play awhile than went home...
Mei(Joanne) nid scared him de larh...he's quite gd...actually he juz dunno how to express his feelings for u...dun be scared juz try to tok to him as a frend instead of a monster..
Mei(Daphne)...tink carefully b4 u make ur choices...dun regret...plz tink thoroughly b4 u make ur choice....dun regret n cry....
I Played @
10:57 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mien...nowadays like sianz de lorh... everyday do the same thing over and over again....wish somethings will change nv do much in class..two science n junyong spoil alot of science lab de standing broad jump...den..recess.. tok tok...two english period 1hour 45mins i sleep for 1 hour 15mins..than Chua-ong come in leh...i sleeping...Chua-Ong say ask the chair man to say class stand n class greet than everione laughing coz im the chairman and im sleeping...chua-ong oso laugh leh...zz....veri paisei lorh...say class stand n greet..was expecting to get scolded by chua-ong but didnt....than history and maths...went to lambee eat...den went home mood post nowadays leh...feeling sianz...feeling one to comfort or pei me...its like so sianz...
I Played @
6:55 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
c0mments! has been one week since i post...dunno why like no mood to post liao leh..after camp i come back like no mood de played dota....and than reach 64 at around 8.00 played till around 11.45 than went home...played wif Ben, yong, lin2, edmund n chingek....tinking that chingek maybe one go on diet or something...lols...see how lorh...haiz ending here no mood liao
I Played @
12:20 AM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA...Today sibei fun leh...Morning tio disiao by WeiGuang...KNN 8plus wake me up ask me got sleeping bag anot?(TMD I GOT OR DUN HAF HE HUANLO?)than play dota...tmd i keep read his message i die...zz sianz diao..than waited for rean,yong n keng to come my house to go outing...tmd than junyong super late lorh meet at 12 become meet at 12.30...zai sia him go topup electricity...30mins(long queue...EXCUSES)than we take cab go there meet daphne they all..than daphne later than 1min..LOLS..liddat oso haf?..than watch the movie (Marley and me) The show was great but the ending was sad....The dog was super cute....after that go walk walk at toy'r'us for awhile....We went to eat sushi at tampines sports hall....Japan village arh i tink the shop name...we go eat sushi...than daphne they all say i not gentleman de...(
WTF?? Wad i do siol??)than took alot of photos when we eating sushi lorh...Yong the hood sibei funny i pull the string liao his whole head like become small lorh....den we go out take group photo...than daphne and elain sibei dulan coz people like (
JY,JD,JJ)dun wan cooperate than in the end photo all wif fake smiles...than the pic not so clear..took the second photo all laugh until so happy for the first time...juz because i made a joke...coz elain took the pic stood down abit..than i say..."Elain dun fang pi(Fart in chinese)"...than everione laughed and the picture was great....than we took bus home and was separated from jj n elain...than on bus made a joke than daphne sibei Angry wif me...(Sorry)...than not angry at yong(
its was like wtf??knn...he start the joke that angry at me??)than in the end i bowei gong lorh...diamdiam sit a one corner...than got traffic jam for so long gan dulan...than in the end...home sweet home the end daphne not angry wif me yong come my house ton n kengsoon laugh until siao b4 he left my he forget take his phone n come back one more time(
Kum gong tua si guai)LOLS....took alot of photos...20 in total...
the first group photo wif fake smiles)
2nd group photo wif the happiest smiles)

jun jie eating the sushi)


me wif a dumb looking face and daphne)

Yong N Dong Retarded faces)
Daphne and keng..a big gap sia..y?hate each other? how i know?)

rean n jj...jj step one tall guy)
why jj mouth so big?..finally taller than me congratz)
jj n elain..rean is sadded coz she not in the pic wif jj n elain??)
jj n daphne..the sushi look like jj tongue)
daphne helping elain n rean take photo)
The 3 charlies Angle?? or the three ugly trolls??jkjk larh)
Yong n dong drinking...n yong acting cute(NOT CUTE!
jorean,jj,elain....elain sianz diao..jj finally taller than her for once?)
dong helping the charlies angels take photo..n jj is like the short guy?)
jj honging the charlies angels...jealous?(abit larh)bobian small boy mah?)

My drink(chocolate milkshake)deeeelicious)
diao simi diao?..small kid vs handsome guy)...(bhb)
daphne helping someone take photo...she look like the pai pose lorh)
I Played @
10:14 PM